Sunday, April 13, 2008

Global Warming and the Solution

I find it interesting how in the documentary "An Inconvenient Truth," Al Gore, really doesn't show us a solution to the problem of global warming. Instead, he blames it on us, making the claim that we are wasting electricity, by forgetting to turn off our lights and T.V.s and alarm clocks. However, the real inconvenient truth, is that even if we were able to reduce all of our carbon dioxide, and methane emissions, there would be little effect. Since China and India are producing far more greenhouse gas emissions then ever before, from coal burning, our attempts would be dwarfed by their behemoth smoke columns. What we need is a clean, cheap, safe, environmentally friendly, and powerfull fuel source. The solution is nuclear power. Solar power and wind power would only be able to power a fraction of the growing demand for energy. Biofuels are NOT environmentally friendly since burning those produce large amounts of carbon dioxide. Coal is dirty, dangerous and ecologically destructive. So the best solution to global warming is nuclear power.

One more thing Al Gore was the policy maker, vice president and senator who really did nothing to start nuclear energy programs or make any effort to curb greenhouse gases. Which means he is the only one to blame for our environmental problems. Right?

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