Wednesday, April 16, 2008

The Blind Watchmaker

"Natural selection is the blind watchmaker, blind because it does not see ahead, does not plan consequences, has no purpose in view. Yet the living results of natural selection overwhelmingly impress us with the appearance of design as if by a master watchmaker, impress us with the illusion of design and planning. The purpose of this book is to resolve this paradox to the satisfaction of the reader, and the purpose of this chapter is further to impress the reader with the power of the illusion of design. We shall look at a particular example and shall conclude that, when it comes to complexity and beauty of design, Paley hardly even began to state the case." Richard Dawkins, The Blind Watchmaker, 1986.

This quote by Richard Dawkins, illustrates how even though the life on planet earth is so complex, it could not have possibly been created by a "master watchmaker." Dawkins is one of the most influential evolutionary biologists living. He has constructed rational and yet controversial arguments against intelligent design.

The argument that most creationists hold is that; "the life on earth is so complex, that it had to have been created by a creater (god). However, what if we turned that argument on its head and stated that; "life on earth is so complex, that it could not have been possibly created by an "intellegent designer." The difference between the two arguments is that one side has piles and piles of biological, geological, astronomical and chemical evidence, while the other side has no evidence. If you were to ask a religious fundamentalist what evidence he or she has for his or her god, he or she would probably tell you "because I believe." That would be the end of the discusion. A religious fundi, does not rely on evidence but relies on ideology.

This quote uses logic, reason and evidence to explain why something is. Something that all forms of literature, writing and film should use.

1 comment:

Jacki Belknap said...

Great interpretation Michael. You really are grasping the ideas presented in class and using them. I am glad to read this!