Friday, March 7, 2008

Animal Rights v.s. Science

The other day I was reading an article on how an extreme sect of enviornmentalists, naming themselves the Earth Liberation Front (ELF), were responsible for burining down several multi-million dollar homes in Washington state. I thought it was interesting that while they found it perfectly ecologically "correct" to desimate eco-friendly houses, they didn't seem to understand that buring those structures produced tons of CO2, CH4, and other eco-hazardous gases. This article reminded me of another extreme group of people, the Animal Liberation Front (ALF). Its not just enough to go vegan, there is no use of animals for scientific research, and no pets in the AFL's utopia either. AFL, who has also been endorsed numerous times by People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), is responsible for firebombing of certain research facilities. Now, animal abuse and cruelty in the food industry is bad, however we are on top the food chain. Not only is morally acceptable to eat animals for our dietary needs, but at times they can also taste very good.
Rodney Coronado, founder of the Animal Liberation Front, has been responsible for sinking two whaling ships at Reykjavik, Iceland and firebombing the Michigan State Universities research laboratory. He believes that his activism is a religious experience. This makes sense, considering that his actions resemble very closley, many of the activities of the pro-life movement in America.
Without animal testing we would not have most of the antibiotics, vaccines and other medicines. With that said the next time you see a PETA protester, ask them if they have ever recieved medication from a doctor. I highly doubt if they haven't. If they say no, then they are probably lying. This makes many animal rights activists hypocrites. Even more hypocritical is the organization, PETA. PETA, who are against all medical research and all meat consumption, actually kill animals themselves. Yes, thats right, according to statistics, out of all the animals that PETA "rescues," it euthanizes around 97% of them. It is said that around 3,000 are killed each year by PETA, which not only makes them supporters of terrorism but it also makes them the most hypocrital organization of all time. Ingrid Newkirk, the co-founder of PETA once said “even if animal tests produced a cure for AIDS, we’d be against it.” Anti-biotics, innoculations, and over and behind the counter drugs are all products of animal testing. Insulin used by diabetics, such as Mary Beth Sweetland, the vice president of PETA, is also a product of animal testing.
Biomedical research is one of the most important parts to our society. When ever we get sick we rely on doctors and our researchers, to give us medication. Just about all of that medicine comes from the use of animals. They only way to not use animals in testing, is to use people. Now that would be immoral.

1 comment:

Jacki Belknap said...

Well-written. This is an emotionally charged posting. You have some good information behind your bold claims (evidence).